
2025 Pufferbelly Run, Walk, and Stroll

July 19, 2025 • 8:00am
Parkview YMCA
10001 Dawsons Creek Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825

We can’t wait to see you on July 19th, 2025!

Help Us Develop the Pufferbelly Trail!

Join us for the 16th Annual Pufferbelly Run/Walk/Stroll. We’ll run the race on the Pufferbelly Trail. The proceeds from this event will be used to further our work developing trails, including new sections of the Pufferbelly Trail. When completed, the trail will be part of the Poka-Bache Connector, running from Ouabache State Park in Bluffton to Pokagon State Park in Angola. This 81-mile connector trail will bring Steuben, Dekalb, Allen, and Wells communities together. This trail is a crucial part of the United Trails project in our region. It is planned as a tourist destination and for cultural growth for residents in all four counties. Ultimately, this trail will solidify the fact that Northeast Indiana is a thriving, culturally rich, active, and healthy community that’s a fun place to visit and a great place to live.

Race Results and Photos

2024 Race Results Here

2023 Race Photos Here



  • Date:  Saturday, July 19th,  2025
  • Location: Parkview YMCA, 10001 Dawsons Creek Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
  • Time:  The 10k Run begins at 8:00 AM, 1 Mile Kids’ Fun Run starts at 8:10 AM, the 5k Run/Walk starts at 8:30 AM.
  • Packet Pick-Up:  All pre-registered participants must check-in at the registration table at Parkview YMCA to pick-up their packet on Friday, July 18th from 5 to 7 PM or on race day, Saturday, July, 19th, from 7 to 8 AM.
  • You may also register on-site during packet pick-up on Friday, July, 18th from 5 to 7 PM or Saturday, July, 19th from 7 to 8 AM for an additional $5.00.
  • T-Shirts will be given to all 5K and 10K participants who pre-register by June 15th, 2025. Kids Fun Run participants will have the option to purchase an event shirt for $10. Limited quantities will be available to others on race day, but sizes can’t be guaranteed.
  • Timing chips will be used to ensure accurate times for all runners.
  • Awards for the top female and male runners in each age group and the overall female and male runners will be given out at the completion of the 10K and 5K Run/Walk.
  • Enjoy music, refreshments, and kid’s games.
  • Dogs, in-line skates, skateboards, and electronic devices are not allowed on the running course.
  • Strollers are permitted for the 5k participants.
  • Parking is available at the YMCA, as well as at several nearby businesses. Signage will be in place on the day of the event. Click HERE for a parking map.

The course utilizes our trail system and will remain open to the public during the event.


This event relies on volunteers and we would love it if you could help us out! SIGN UP HERE





Kids dashing in the Fun Run

Participants, including families with strollers

Participant giving a child a high-5 at the finish line

Team photo, including wheelchair participant


2025 Event Sponsors

If you have any further questions or need help with registration please email [email protected] or call 260-969-0079 for more information.

Photos from last year’s event are available on the Fort Wayne Trails Facebook page.