Trek The Trails
Join the City of Fort Wayne, the City of New Haven, and Fort Wayne Trails on these family-friendly bike rides. Rides begin at 6:00 pm every other Tuesday throughout the summer. Participants are asked to wear helmets and bring water along for the ride. Most rides are 8-9 miles long. The average speed is 10-12 mph. This is a “no one left behind ride” and all skill levels are welcome! These rides are an awesome way to explore sections of trail you haven’t seen before or just to get out and see some old favorites! We hope that you will join us for a ride.
All participants ride at their own risk.
Severe weather may cancel the event. Check the Fort Wayne Trails Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter at least 1 hour before the ride, if you are unsure.
The City of Fort Wayne has determined that Trek the Trails rides will be canceled if there is a Heat Advisory as issued by the National Weather Service.
We are working with the YMCA and Turnstone to make Trek the Trails accessible to all. Based on your needs you may be able to use an adaptive bike or take advantage of the Y’s Buddy Bike program. Simply fill out the form at the link and the proper group will be in touch with you!
Need more information?
- Fort Wayne Trails: 260-969-0079, [email protected]
- City of Fort Wayne Greenways Office: 260-427-6228
2024 Trek The Trails shirt pre-order is now closed. They will still be available at any of our Trek the Trails events.
Please register here if you’d like to attend. This will assist us in providing improved communication with you, track how many people we might see at each event, and provide a way for you to give us anonymous feedback about your Trek the Trails experience and ideas about trail development. All riders can “sign-in” at each ride for an additional chance to win a drawing at the end of the season. You only need to register online one time per season.
We are excited to be partnering with our friends at Old Fort Bicycle for the Trek the Trails giveaway this year! They will be providing TWO Specialized Bicycles for the drawing at the end of the season! Thank you Old Fort Bicycle!